Iv seen that this new VM is also breaking lots of exploits. Script executors and decompilers have to be remade for the new system, so I guess we get a period with less exploits and place stealing?
It’s because this VM doesn’t really have any variable names so it makes it harder to read our code even if they decompile it.
I think that the main reason is because this is an entirely new VM and decompilers are made for the old one. Everything’s obviously going to be a lot different with this new system so exploits have to be rewritten as well? I don’t really care why, it’s just a period we can enjoy where there aren’t as many exploiters running about.
Don’t rely on it. With production tests and open beta, exploits have probably already been rewritten with the new VM.
VMs are just middleman languages. All they need is to create a simple documentation and learn it. The exploits themselves aren’t hard to make.
Yeah obviously, I’m just pointing out it’s a nice period with less exploits. Synapse can already execute scripts on the new VM but the decompiler still doesn’t work
As stated, decompilers will be less effective as upvalue names are no longer stored.
The test is over (a bit earlier than scheduled). Enjoy your vanilla Lua experience while it lasts.
@zeuxcg what exactly is the difference between the two lua vms? What can I expect from it, and what should I be aware of? Is the new VM relatively harder to exploit in any way?
All you have to do is look at the first 10 threads in public
You can find more info in the posts within.
What time exactly did it end, since it ended early cause I just want to ensure I ran it during the correct times.
The test ended July 31st at 2 PM PST.
@TheEmeraldDeveloper @Reinitialized To close the loop on this issue, this was a bug in the new compiler where it preserved Windows newlines (\r\n) in the Lua lexer that’s part of the script in that place, which broke the reserved identifier parsing because it (rightly) didn’t expect \r in the source.
Really wish we could, exploits will be back to normal once it’s going to be finished.
This is because certain games already have the new VM and they’re using those games to sandbox and create a compatibility for their exploit.
It’s not enabled though? Please elaborate on what the issues are, when they started appearing, and whether the issues still occur today.
My bad, didn’t read the dates. Probably isn’t related to this
I get these when trying to require modules/use functions in them from the command line sometimes.
I can’t seem to come up with a simplified repo though, and I don’t feel like giving away the place file of the project I’m working on right now, so sorry if it’s not really any help.
anyone know an estimated official release date for this?
I believe they said around the end of 2019
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