What do you want to achieve?
I am making a key system for remote events and I want the fastest way to transfer my key to the client
What is the issue?
So, how the script works is it generates a random key on the server and then fires a remote event to all the clients with the key. Then one LocalScript has a variable like _G.key or something and then you could fire events using that. Then the LocalScript fires the same remote event back to the server and the server saves that key. (so it can check if a remote event fires the right key). I have found a bypass to my key system and that would be firing the remote event with the arguments like " " or something simple and then you could fire the other remote event with " " because the server thinks that is the right key.
What solutions have you tried so far?
So far, I have thought of checking if the key was a guid but the exploiter could just fire the same guid so that would not work. Another thing I have tried is not sending a request to the server at all and just keeping the correct key in a variable on the server. The only problem with this is it takes like .3 or so seconds to send the key to the client and by then on the server the key is already changed. I changed the code so it would change the key only once every second but there is sometimes an error because it was too slow. Is there another way to send data from the server to the client other than remote events?
Also, before you say, “oMG kEy SySTeMs dOnT WoRk BeCAuSe ThE ClIEnt CaN sEe THe ScRiPt. NeVeR TrUSt ThE cLiEnT. JuST dO sErVeR SiDe CheCKs iNsTeAD!!!111111!!1!1!1!!1!1” know that my localscript is obfuscated (doesnt mean that it won’t get cracked, just a very low chance), this is not an actual game, just a key system i’m making for fun and might use it in later games (so if i made it into a game i would add checks but there is nothing to check in this).