FE Gun kit with shadows


I turned off, but it work again…
robloxapp-20221208-1713434.wmv (552.2 КБ)

Also Can you convert these .wmv files to .mp4 to be seen without having to download them?

Also can you show the script, Is there something interferring?

You want watch script with 3k lines?

Can you confirm that this continues happening after saving, and reopening the place? And also when you publish and test on the roblox player?

The video is broken. Convert the wmv to mp4 or record with something other than roblox.

robloxapp-20221208-1747165.wmv (2.1 МБ)

Or just record with OBS, NVIDIA software, or some other recording software (but use OBS).

Ok, so you can help me with my problem?

hihi, apparently this has been an long term issue which i haven’t fixed for vm but already posted before this has been posted.

I don’t know why the lighting changes when you equip a gun. There could be a million reasons why.

Okay, i need to try to find what you say! wait pls

So i find this

what i need to fix?

Nothing, thank you anyway for your time

You can see the highlighted line in the image, replace these to 10e8
should be fixed after playing now.

1 Like

it should be

viewmodel.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(10e8,10e8,10e8) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)

Thx i fixed it
thank you anyway for your time.
And can you explain how I can use the VM not for weapons but for other items , for example , food to put a VM on it ?

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