FE Player Animations

Would it be possible to get a copy of your testing place for this? I can’t get the animations to run

my local script code:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local char = player.Character
local h = char.Humanoid

local animation = game.ReplicatedStorage.Animation
animation.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=2097675014"



It works when I test it in solo / client local mode


I mean, you can, but there isn’t really much (or anything) on said test place.

AnimationRepro.rbxl (14.9 KB)

I just want to clarify for safety’s sake, which of these two scenarios are you trying to achieve?

  • Player1 plays animation on Player1. Player2 will not see Player1 animating.
  • Player1 plays animation on Player2. Player2 will not see themselves animating.

If it’s the first one, you can create the Animation object on the client and run it. I think I may have mentioned that already. As for the second one, well, that’s where the issue is occurring as per my previous post.

I was thinking of throwing together a hack where a pseudomodel would animate and then Transform of the target character would be set every frame to the pseudomodel’s movements, but that may be a little much.


Final solution:

I will have each player worry about their own character’s animation - considering that the Motor6Ds will replicate the character actions / movement.

Thanks again to everyone that contributed towards this thread, especially colbert2677 :slight_smile:

Edit** Thank you TheGamer101 :slight_smile:


I’m a bit late to this thread but there is a general solution to disabling replication of Animations that isn’t too difficult to achieve.

To animate a player character locally only you can replace the Animator object under the Humanoid with a new copy in a LocalScript. This will disable animation replication from that client.

For non player characters a local AnimationController should be used.

There is some more information in this thread:


Exploiters cannot play their own animations, The animation has to be owned by the game owner or the ROBLOX account.