Feedbacck on model

Your first need to Compare all of the different lenghts And then you need the shortage of all. You say it’s only a single loop, but no, it’s not

It literally is.

That logic is… inside the loop. It’s a single loop. Ask any functioning programmer and they’ll notice one loop in that code.
Why are you purposely trying to make it hard for people to help you? You’ve given us almost no information and most of your responses are just rebukes on how we nomenclate code.

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I did not say that there is no loop but I said it’s not just a loop. So just YAEAE!!!

Saying “there isn’t a loop” literally means “no loop.”

Where did I say that there is no loop


The nomenclature literally doesn’t matter. What was your issue? You said the code wasn’t what you wanted, so what do you actually need?

I believe he meant it was not JUST a loop, but it had one line of code BEFORE the loop:

local shortestDistance = math.huge
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He was still being pretty pedantic about a fairly stupid problem. Honestly totally forgot about the actual need for any shortestDistance checking and the if statement/ternary operator associated with it but we still gave him the base for it.

Well, it is still not working properly. Thanks for staying on topic, and you’re nice. Helping a reply, whatever, man.

Can you share your current code?