Feedback for my game [Obby Wars]

Hello! I am searching for people to give feedback on my game, Obby Wars, as I am trying to do some statistics from other players point-of-view. All criticism is welcomed and any feedback helps. Here is the link for Obby Wars: (Obby Wars - Roblox)

There are some thing you will need to know about the game for context:

  • The game is a multiplayer based skill game. This really requires more players to play the game, otherwise becomes boring.

  • There are some bugs that exist, and I am currently working on things to resolve them.

  • Some of the mechanics and game features are inspired and made from primarily YouTube tutorials, but I edited some of them so they stand out a bit. Some plugins are used in the game and are made by their respective developers.

Game Link: Obby Wars - Roblox

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I really love the whole game concept although what it lacks is the UI’s & the game lighting. I think if you could have more of bright colors & cartoony style lighting & improved UI, it’d fit the whole game theme & make it more interesting. Otherwise for now it looks as if it’s a 2010-2015ish type game. :+1:

I like the concept and it has a lot of potential. I think there should be a random difficulty selected for a obby ranging from easy-hard and perhaps a special server reserved for pros like in tower of hell that has medium-impossible obby levels. Other than that, just improve the ui scaling on other screens, the ui is stretched out on my screen, and have some more music variety. Also, a tip for the scroll gui, to make sure the canvas size fits just right on all screens use this code from this forum: How to create an auto-expandable scrolling frame?

@Avtixe @3DesignD Thank you both for your feedback! I really appreciate it as I don’t have a player-base on my game who would not give me feedback, therefore it being hard for me to fix anything and how hard it is for my game to succeed, which I honestly think is one of the most biggest developer challenges as starting out. Anyways, I have been working on the music variety and the ui a bit. But I will consider your ideas and the lighting. Thanks :+1:

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Tried the game out seems like the bomb is useless and stupid and slingshot can be used to fly

Any reason I kept spawning to the Volcano Marathon Obby even though I finished the Obby? Is that a glitch in your scripts?