Feedback for my ROBLOX 2006 Game

Looks sick! I wonder how long that took to program!

This is really awesome! How did you cap the fps?

Please Note The game is fault with 2+ Players. I am working on it

Can you rename the game to ROBLOX and not Roblox ?

i found a bug. the superball doesn’t work. it doesn’t appear.

edit: heres also the console. it can be accessed by anyone only viewing local side by f9

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Yes true. Also people joining other people experience bugs like Chat is not connected and stuff. I’m working on it. Rockets also glitch like multiplying

okay! thanks for replying to me. :slight_smile:

Great! Thanks, It’ll look amazing.

It’s Roblox, Not ROBLOX Roblox’s name is Roblox, NOT ROBLOX people get confused, There was an feature request for the very thing.

Back in the old days, it was called ROBLOX. I understand that nowadays it’s called Roblox.

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