(30 Characters, cough cough.)
I think that’s a really good lobby everything is perfect and looking very good but I think it would be way better if there were some grass hanging from the rock walls on photo 1
(The place marked with the red pen)
And I think it would be better if the color of the fruits on the bushes would be darker. Because it’s kinda looking unnatural with the bright red
(I marked the Bush with red pen too)
Thanks What would you say about the last lobby because i thought of selling the first one to replace the old one
Oh! I thought they were the same lobby. So you mean the first photo is a different lobby but the other photos are the same lobby.
If I guessed right the second lobby is very good
As others have mentioned, the mountain walls lack detail. They feel bland, vegetation and more green stuff overall would make the mountain feel a lot more full!
I’d also make around 2 more tree models, for variety, so that it doesn’t feel repetitive with just 1 tree model all over the place.
It looks really good but maybe change the Tree Textures to Grass instead of Sand and maybe change the Texture of the Flowers ( Of Course You dont have to do that xD Its just my Opinion)
Makes sense i will show a new build of the lobby in a few minutes
I have now added vines and a complete new lobby
Okay Sir I will look back
Thanks this lobby looks much smaller and much planned out
Oh and maybe add like Grass on the Rock Walls
This looks very nice,
I would suggest turning the lighting down a little or even changing the colours of the trees because it makes everything look kind of low-poly, unless that’s what you’re going for?
Im going for a epic minigames theme but thanks