Feedback on Builds/Models

NOTE: This Is My First Post! Sorry If It’s in the wrong category

Currently I am a begginer-ish in modeling/building, and I would want to know some feedbacks on my current progress I made since June.

Here are the builds I have created so far, where all are made from me. Again I would like to see feedbacks and criticisms over my builds/models, that I took over two weeks (Off and On) in my place. :arrow_down:

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They’re ok, but to be honest they are quite basic. I’m little confused as to what the first and fourth ones are supposed to be. Perhaps try ot add more detail?

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No idea on the first, but the fourth is a TV remote I believe.

I got into the game, and I have a couple things to cover. First, the most obvious one, is detail, detail, detail. Low-poly exists, but it employs meshes and basic shapes to put a piece together as a whole. You look like you put work into these as a detailed model. Arc gives good examples with his Boeing and sword How to create a world.. I say find photo references of what you’re doing and try to pay attention to smaller details. An example is the television. It’s one of the most detailed models there. It’s good, but it can be better. Some recommendations would be to make the screen black glass with a black plastic behind the glass, and to make the antennas smaller with a blockier, slightly larger bit at the end. Practice is a good thing, and find what motivates you and build off of that genre. I personally enjoy fantasy, so I build the associated objects. Then you can branch off into other categories, like military or sci-fi or horror, etc.

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