Feedback on custom Roblox app UI [Log In/Sign Up]

Hi there, I want feedback on my custom UI that the new Roblox app could use. [please leave any form of criticism you can]


Thank you :smiley:

I’ve spent a few hours on it, started to make the actual home page menu but I feel somethings not right lol


This Is really good, you must have put a lot of work into this, I would like to say though, would the background say “GamersInternational” most of the time? Anyway I have not got much to say, really well done, you make me proud :slightly_smiling_face:


No it wouldn’t say that lol, just doing it for crediting myself in case someone tries to take it [if you want to share the images feel free to, please don’t try and remove the watermarks]

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I really like the “Chose an account” picture! They should add that. :+1: Reminds me of Netflix. lol


Yeah, that definitely needs to be added on Roblox.

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It’s really good. I especially like the choose an account image.

What Editing Software Is This?

Lunacy. Everything you see in here was edited with it.

Wow!, Its Really Great! :star_struck: :shock:

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Thanks! I’m hoping to do all the menus in the app eventually and the client.

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Wow!!! Gamers you have improved so much! Its more sleek that the blocky ui you made previously, I love it keep it up

Awww thank you. You can see more examples at my portfolio:

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I really like it! This should be the new UI in the Log In/Sign Up page! But looking at it looks way to busy and lots going on with your watermark. I think your watermark should be more transparent and smaller. But I’m getting a bit too of topic here :sweat_smile:. Great job though!

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Thanks for the feedback. I think the watermark was too opaque but it is visible

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The icons have graphics and it’s just not something Roblox would do. Roblox would have bland icons with less graphics.

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That has to be the harshest criticism yet but I can see where your coming from. However, this is the Roblox app UI and I know that the UWP app does have basic graphics [like this] on the sign up/log in page, Roblox mobile app does have slightly more graphics but this was designed for desktop.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound aggressive or disappointed. Also I was talking about the homepage, not the other pages. The other pages look good!

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i agree with iamajust, roblox would never do brightly colored images in the home page. Back in 2012 im pretty sure they did, but they were still maturing as a company and as a brand.

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It was really the only icons I had at the moment of making that for the main app UI, have started making black and white icons though for that part.