Feedback on low poly yacht

hes not the only one finding it bad

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To be honest that opinion wasn’t really necessary why didn’t you just stick to your criticism instead of saying the work is bad because this takes a lot of stress and time for people to make this and you just come and bring them down.


Is it a catamaran design? I can’t tell from the angle you took the screnshot.

If it isn’t then I’ve never seen a boat with a bow like that other than an airboat or very small fishing boat. A flat bottomed hull with a flat bow like that would try to climb every wave it hits and not cut through it IRL.
Another thing is the front railing. It looks like there are no supports, and since these railings are meant for protection of people as a short guardrail to keep them from slipping off the fact that it’s completely open at the front is disturbing.

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The railings are just floating and at the front they never converge with the main body. It looks way too flat. You should round the edges more. Also please be nice to other people when they give you constructive feedback.

I kinda agree, I feel like sometimes people say that their build or model is “lowpoly” just to cover their inexperience

neither are you

they are all right, it’s better to admit your inexperience rather than categorizing it as low poly :grimacing:

i agree if your asking for feedback why get mad when someone says its bad

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I was talking about other people who make bad builds mate. I might have worded it incorrectly.

Why would I be jealous…? I don’t even make commissions. If I wanted to get commissioned I would just do my own thing :grin: