Feedback on my Admin panel UI

This looks amazing. The only tiny criticism I could even think to give would be the scrollbar scrolling where there is nothing currently. Other than that, this looks beautiful! Keep up the great work. :slight_smile:

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I think it looks amazing! The only thing I would change, would be making the buttons at the bottom smaller. (the settings icon and music player)

Otherwise great job, I would definitely look into buying this.

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The design and functionality is really nice, but I do recommend making the tweens shorter. If you’re in a situation where you need to act fast you most likely wouldn’t be able to wait 3 seconds for the window to open, it’s pretty, but a shorter tween would get the job done.

Unrelated, did you base it off of this?

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Not really, my friend made an admin system and I want to make one but I am not good at scripting so I decided to do guis instead.

The material theme was chosen by me since I mostly make material design UIs.

The UI design and Tweening is smooth! I have one small and major concern, however. The small concern is that the UI is so big that it takes up a huge space and you can’t see your Character. The major concern is it is caps sensitive. For example, when I typed Gef instead of gef, the functions did not work. All in all, I give it a solid 8.5/10.

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Thanks for telling me that. The scrollbar won’t appear now.

Thanks for the feedback. I have a question, I am planning to make a dark theme for the admin panel but I don’t know is it good or not. Should I force the UI to be dark or let the user have a choice?


  • Let the user have a choice to select the theme of the panel
  • Force the UI to be dark themed

0 voters

I have a suggestion, in server control make the message you can type be the message for the shutdown.

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This will be added in the next release. Thank you for the suggestion!

Dark theme - Home page

Awesome Interface man!

The Admin Panel looks so clean, I also absolutely love the sounds implemented as well.

Some Feedback:

I would recommend making the play button on the Music player panel more with the same style of everything else, currently it has rounded edges, I feel like it should have sharp corners instead.

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Icons are redesigned and changed. The play and pause button now have sharp corners instead of rounded edges

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Looks a lot better!

Great job, I’m glad you redesigned the icons. :innocent:

Update: When you launch the admin panel or music player, it will zoom and fade itself. Same as closing it.

Hello. I really love your admin panel. How did you exactly make the animations?

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Tweening. About tweening the size, I tweened the UIscale instead.

Are you going to eventually open source this? It would be a good alternative to Lilly’s!

Not this version, there is a new version. I might opensource that one instead

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