Feedback on my beginner Tree Model

Heya, I’m Noah, (or LostInSpace2090,) and I have been modeling for a few weeks, and just recently wanted to try and make trees. With the help of tutorials, I have made my first ever tree model in blender and I am super proud of it. Any suggestions to improve it are gratefully accepted, thanks!


Whoa, wow!! Looks great! The texture looks great!! Provide me a link of that tree, I will surely use it for making low poly maps :slight_smile:

Good, keep it up boi :wink:

Hey, thanks! What do you mean by provide a link?

Pretty nice! Here’s some feedback:

The tree is quite empty. You should add another branch along with more bushes. Also, if you want to have that small branch at the bottom, you should have another small one higher on the tree and on the other side.

Besides that, the shape and coloring of the tree is really nice. This is good for a blender beginner, nice job!

Thanks! I will definitely use your suggestions to improve my builds!

Publish that tree as a “Meshed tree” in toolbox. So that we can use it for maps. Because it is nice and I really like the texture!!

But then wouldn’t my tree mesh be open for anyone?

that gradients doesn’t looks good on trunk or leavs. instead have different colored leaves. dont have branches and leaves that low, and have at least 5 branches and maybe 6 - 7 leaves.

Yes, the tree would be open to everyone. You can upload it in toolbox if you want :slight_smile:

Don’t be mad at me and sorry if I said anything wrong :slight_smile:

Alright, I can change it up. I just made it this as my first model, and there is a ton of room for improvement. Thanks for your feedback on how to improve it!

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I’m not mad? You didn’t do anything wrong, I was just confused.

It looks nice, however it is very empty and the leaf bushy parts look very low quality- I would suggest adding a subdivision surface to them. It is also very bare. Overall, nice work for a beginner model, but needs a little improvement

What are you trying to do? Advertise one of your builds?

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