Feedback on my build

Hey developers! I made this bedroom for my game. I want this to be high-quality because this will be the main focus for the game. Could you give me some feedback? (I know the lighting is not great, could you give me some tips on how to make it better? I also know the walls are bare, and I plan on adding more to them, so any ideas would be awesome!)

Game Link:


The link of your game is just a simple baseplate. Next time, if you can, try to add photos instead of a game link!


Alright, I got the link working. Thanks for telling me! Here are some pictures:


It’s pretty good! However, you should try to play with the texture or decals a bit more. Example, for your fan on the ceiling, you could set the material to glass and change the transparency to 0.5, it gives a really good realistic metal, however, this is all personal, if you want more info, this link will probably help you :

For the floor, try to create your own floor with blocks instead of a texture, it’s all small things like that which will improve your game. Maybe considering using blender, it seems hard to use, but it’s not and you can learn pretty fast and it could greatly improve you game. To improve your lightning, here’s a link for it : >

There is more methods to improve the lightning, but that’s a good start, the best thing is to look up at all the objects you can create in the lightning, like BlurEffect, BloomEffect, etc. Then, go in the propreties of each and change all their values, one by one and see what look the best for your game. Hope it helped!


I will definitely look into these (except maybe blender, as it’s my first game I actually plan on finishing)! Thank you for the feedback!

Wow looks absolutely stunning, wish I could make something like that.

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Wow, thank you! That really means a lot! I’m sure you make something like this if you put your mind to it!

I like the build so far, and also that wooden trunk near the bed, I’m guessing its sorta like a treasure chest right? In other words, the build looks realistic.

*Guess that noob and that bacon have become toys forever😢


It looks pretty good, the lighting is a bit weird.

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It is a little bit like a treasure chest! Don’t worry, in my game, those toys will have life again!

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U can apply fix for ur lighting
Other than that ur build looks astonishing
Keep up this good work!

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Thank you! I do plan to fix the lighting.

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Great!! U r good to go :))
Best of luck for ur future builds!

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