Feedback on my armchair

Hello!I make a chair today.

Yes,its not big!But im specialize in creating furniture and translate from English into Russian (I just know russian)

Bye Bye! :wave:


Looks super good! No criticism towards it!
(In your language I said:
Выглядит супер хорошо! Никакой критики в его адрес)


Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! :blush:(I am very pleased when someone writes in my language :slightly_smiling_face:)


You should probably put more work in it. It looks like a unioned sphere.

The armchair looks very weird for a hike…Right? It’s just that style. This furniture is needed in order to relax and lie down as you like.

But okay, im make another version for this armchair!

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It looks really nice! the texture and color of the seat part is not my favorite, but still looks wonderful.


Yes, texture and color of the seat part is bad!Because the seat part is union and texture disappears! :pensive: