Feedback on my interview centre!

I would work on the lighting due to it being uneven and too bright in some areas.

Hi! I think your interview centre look okay. The yellow line is very close to the chairs. Also, the place is oversize.

I’ve decided to play your game, and they’re enormous! Too much blurry, I recommend setting your blur to 1/2 size. Also, focus on the lighting. They’re extremely bright.

As you can see the picture I’ve took. This comparing to roblox character next to chairs and desk.

I believed that you didn’t compare with roblox character yet. The door entrance to interview offices is pretty tall. If you could fix it, fix it!

Although, keep improve your interview center! I hope everything will be great!

Yes, I noticed the size issue. I need to make a few changes to the way the meshes works before resizing it though. But I am more likely going to resize avatars than resizing the centre. Thanks!

Yep. That is something I have noted. Thanks!

Looks good! Make sure you make a good thumbnail! It’s the cherry on top!

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Updated the game - fixed size problems and fixed lighting.

Wow Syphrostic this is amazing! So modern and sleek design! Can’t wait to test it out!

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It looks simple but modern, I like it.

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Perhaps turn down the bloom a bit, or increase the threshold for the bloom effect, it’s a bit bright.
Other than that, this looks good!


The build is okay, I suggest using F3X if you haven’t. Set the increment to 0.1 for better building if you want. Otherwise, this looks great!