Feedback on my modern house

Wow I love it, very realistic keep up the good work :smiley:

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Looks nice all though the carpet in my opinion in the first shot does not do the build justice, overall very nice work.

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Absolutely stunning! How did you build this???

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This is amazing! the only thing I would change are the color of those books. Wow, awesome job. Is the floor made up of different parts or is it a material?

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Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, if you use a floor as I did you just make it a little bit transparent and then you get the glossy effect more and make it more pop out.

With my mouse and keyboard :wink: Nah just kidding, using reference images and having a creative mindset is a good starting point.

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yoooo that looks sick my dude
what textures or texture pack are you using?
I need that, that looks amazing the texture work
and the build work to but the textures out stands the build the most tbh

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Thanks! Here are the Roblox decal links:

Cabinets from the kitchen

Wooden table from the kitchen and besides the chair

Walls ( I used multiple parts and then made them into one single part so you get the 3d wall panel effect)


All the images I used are from google so feel free to use them:D