Feedback on my newly released game Overboard

Greetings fellow developers! I’m looking for feedback and opinions on my newly released (beta) game called Overboard.
I want to know your opinions on everything about the game, plus any tips that could help me to grow.

Check out the game here: Overboard [BETA] - Roblox

Release notes: Overboard DevLog

Talent Hub QA Tester applications: Coming soon

I really appreciate any and all comments, have a great rest of your day everyone :slight_smile:


As I begin the game, I am greeted with this screen:

This interface needs some serious work. Not only is the background too bright, but the design of the buttons and text are bland. Make sure to pad text properly, add icons with the text in buttons, and make your title logo pre-made in a photo editor.

The menu music is not the greatest.

As I continue, I’m greeted with a popup:

From this point on, I would like to safely assume the user interface is not that good throughout the whole game. There is a lack of icons, clashing colors, poor typography, etc. I recommend that you take up some time to read popular UI guidelines, such as from Microsoft or Apple.

The gameplay itself is very bland. The events are not at all fun, and sometimes not even functional (such as the sword mode not giving me the most important part, the sword). The music is too loud and inconsistent to be enjoyable.

This screenshot basically describes my time playing it:

The core concept isn’t bad, but it needs to be brought back to the drawing board. Consider making a game design document to ensure that everything you have is replayable, and most importantly, not bland.


I agree with the GUI. I just learned it and made it in Roblox Studio. It’s not great.

If you don’t mind, could you briefly describe which colors were clashing? I had a post on the dev forum recently, and I chose all colors that were suggested to go together.

Was there an issue with the popup other than the poor quality and text scaling?

Did you compare your audio to anything other than the game? There is a chance that your audio was up. (I will still take the fact that it was too loud into account, as you’re probably right.)

Overall, great feedback. Big thanks for checking it out and letting me know what it needs. I’ll try to learn more about UI in the near future. Thanks again!

All of them, but particularly the side buttons. You have white text on a very bright background.

The popup itself was not annoying, just the design of it.

My audio was at a normal level that I always keep it at, I was playing video games shortly before joining yours.

Hope this feedback helps!

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Thank you for specifying all of the above! I’ll make sure to take these into account for future renovations.

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Come on people, 50+ views, and only one person left feedback. Someone else let me know what they think!

The game isn’t even that bad, but it defo needs more minigames. Also one time I got the same minigame twice in a row (I believe it was a parkour minigame on some grass). And yeah someone else already told you this but the UI really needs improvements! Although if this game is aimed towards a young audience (so just children) it’s good enough, kids won’t really care at all about secondary details of the game such as the UI or even the music (I have to agree with @iGottic about the music being very loud tho).

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Gotcha. Should I cut the volume from 0.5 → 0.25, or more like 0.5 → 0.3?

Even 0.4 should be good in my opinion, it’s up to you though. If you feel like it’s at the right amount you can keep it at 0.5.

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I don’t think I’ll keep it at 0.5 because I’d rather have it be lower than preferable and people can turn up their audio rather than blast music and make them leave.

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Also i’ve got a couple tips in mind, one is QoL the other is about the meteors.
As for the QoL, I recommend you to put the items in the shop ordered from cheapest to most expensive so it’s easier to find.
For the meteors I recommend to make them explode instead of letting them bounce, it’d look more realistic. You can use a simple .Touched event for that.
Also there’s something I think you may need to look into. There was one time where I couldn’t jump (there’s an event in which someone can’t jump and I was chosen) then the obby appeared but I couldn’t win it since I couldn’t jump, unless you intended it to be this way I recommend to fix that.

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I’ve intended for it to be this way. There are also events that will give you an advantage in certain events. Thanks for checking though!

I should definitely do this, but with my current system it’ll probably take quite a bit of time, so it’s not on my priorities list.

Thanks for checking out the game and leaving feedback. Awesome reply that’s not the same as the other replies. Very helpful! I’m working on an update for today so I’ll try to let you guys who left feedback know when it’s out. Thanks again!

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After taking in all the feedback we got, I’ve released a small update today!
Here’s what’s new: Overboard DevLog

If anyone can go tell me what they think of the new update, please do!
Game link: Overboard [BETA] - Roblox