Feedback on my projects: Gun, Locked Door, Build Tool, and Advanced UI

Hi everyone! I’ve been getting bored over the past few days so I’ve made 3 things: a gun, a locked door, and a build tool. Here are some videos to show you:
I’m using my other acc because I didn’t know that I was gonna post it here at that time
Gun Tool:

The wait time was reloading

Locked Door:

Build Tool:

And once again, I’m bored, so I made this:

Not that smooth but as someone who doesn’t usually design and script UIs, this is a huge accomplishment for me.

Please give me feedback and tell me what I should make next! (I’ll use this acc this time) :smiley:


Saw your post on #help-and-feedback:scripting-support, nice progress!

Got me thinking I should add my own damage indicators to my game.

Got an goal you are working towards for all these three objects?

Yeah, after making these I feel like I could make a game using these assets. Thanks!

Just curious, how did you make the damage indicators? Did you just parent a billboard gui when the bullet hit the player?

By the way, I like how you are expanding on your skills! A thing I tell almost everyone who wants to develop more is to make vehicle physics (I LOVE EM!). You could try doing that!

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The billboard gui (damage indicator) is in server storage. When you hit an NPC or player, it activates a remote function that creates a clone and sets it to the damage taken. Then it parents the clone to the damaged NPC/player. So yes, it is parented when the bullet hits the player/NPC. Also, thanks for your feedback! I’ll try some physics soon!

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I like the gun more with those damage indicators but hey! this is good :grin:

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Thanks! I’m working on upgrading the gun right now so you can see who you hit and if you missed!

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Thank you so much for that tip! Here is how that turned out:

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No problem! Also, I like how the UI was designed and how smooth everything was! Great job!
Edit: Oops while updating the gun it got broken but I’ll post the updated version here when it’s fixed.

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New project: Advanced UI
Currently has status and health bar (And yes, I was still bored.)

I’d say this is a big accomplishment for someone who doesn’t script UIs much.