Feedback on rendering

After messing around with Blender for a little while I was wondering someway to make my renders feel like they are more professional then in the current state in which they are. Here is an example of my work…

Thank you for any thing you have to say and have a happy new year!

What’s the basis? I’m not sure what exactly you want feedback on as there isn’t much details about your render.

Is this for a game?
What is the scenario?
What’s the genre?

Please add more information by following the guide questions for the best feedback :slight_smile:

General Comments

• The lighting could use more refining
• The surface/ground might look better if it had a texture
• The gun is hard to notice
• Maybe position the character somewhere in the center?
• Looks like a good concept (but for what exactly?)

• Use this grid guide in placing essential elements of your render to make it look pleasing to the eyes

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Thank you @wevetments this will help me in the long run. This picture is for a friend of mine… he created a shooter game and he wanted to see what I could do for him with in terms of creating a thumbnail. To be more specific, I wanted to know someway to make my render look and feel like a professional artwork. Your feed back is greatly appreciated!
Happy holidays!!

Try using HDRI’s, you can get them from HDR Heaven.
Also, try to use a sun as your main light, it will look like it’s day time.

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@FedTech by using a sun does that just mean to use one main light to light everything?

ofcourse not, using sun as a primary light will make it obvious for it being day-time.
you can use area or spot lighting to make certain effects

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@FedTech at makes perfect sense, thank you so much.:+1::+1::+1:

Some thoughts and solutions:

  • HDRI (More Realistic Lighting)
  • Terrain (More Realistic)
  • Clothing folds (More Realistic)
  • Shading (More Realistic)
  • Edit (Use something like Pixlr [Free])

Adding more texture to the ground would help, possibly some of grass/foliage, and try putting in some form of night sky such as stars or moon. This will help make the sky look less dark even if it isn’t really.

What exactly is the ground rendered of…? That shadow there is… wrong. Or I’m wrong. Adding more texture to the ground would help people visually understand if the ground was concave or convex, where bumps are, etc…

Taking your person-render at face value, you did well- the shadows are natural and feel right, it’s not grainy, and the person has well-crafted motion, adding life to this render. These are all mistakes most people make, and you’ve done well in avoiding them.

TLDR: I personally think you only need to work on the background render for the time being.

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The Render is not bad, Do add a Material to the “Sand” and make sure you have gotten enough lighting, Make use of both Hand to Hold the gun so that it looks realistic. Good luck in your Future Endevours! :smile: