Feedback on some small low-poly models I made?

Hello, I am here once again to present you with more practice models I made in Blender.

Here’s a cactus:
Here’s a tree:

And lastly, here’s a gem/diamond:

I’d appreciate some constructive criticism on these models to help improve my low poly modeling skills.


Move one of the cacti’s arms down. otherwise these are lovely.


They all look good, but i would move the cactus’ arms a bit, (As Tix said) it feels blocky.

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Superb work! As someone else as stated, the cacti’s arm needs to be moved and shrunk a bit, you might want to watch some tutorials, they’ll help you expand you abilities, maybe you’ll be able to participate in the UGC for the Imagination Challenge, if that’s the kinda thing you’re into!


It looks like a fork.

I like it

It’s great.


Well I would move one of the cactus’s arms down a bit as everone said and make the top of the cactus rounder instead of making it flat and I would edit the material so that its a bit more rough and less reflective

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Yeah, I still watch some tutorials now and then. I only started blender 2 days ago.

I think that these models aren’t bad, but could use some improvement. The diamond and tree look good, but the the cactus looks a bit off. It seems a bit too “perfect” and it makes it look unnatural. One arm should be lower and shorter or smaller, rather than the arms being the same size and height on both sides. The top also looks too flat in my opinion. You could also add some pricks if you think it would improve the model (personally I think it would.)

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It is good, but as many people have said, you should move the cactus arm down, because otherwise it looks so perfect and it looks like a green trident. I also recommend adding some curves in to to make it more realistic.

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Uploading: Screenshot_20210630-161909.png… jump to you that modeling doesn’t need a computer achieved only with Android you can model anything that comes to your mind

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They are pretty high quality, however, pretty generic. If someone showed me them and told me they are a free model used in many games, i’d believe them. You just gotta reshape them to look alot more original, other than that, they look good (obviously the cactus arms are a bit weird)

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I would make the cactus’ arms more rounded at the top and move one of them down. The tree’s leaves are a bit tilted, I would make it go directly upwards from the stump and curve as it goes up instead of immediately. The diamond is fine, not much work to be done there. Other than that, these are great!

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I love it! The cactus size downs feel short.
I feel like they should be extruded out more.
Other than that, I love it!

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