Figma to Roblox (Beta)

i’m annoyed of importing the figma ui to roblox so gonna test this later! :wink:

Have you worked on this yet? This would be very nice to have

my hero. Thank you sir. Your work will not be forgotten.

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If you’re referring to most of the shape tools, then I would agree with you. You would convert that portion of your UI into an image and then use it in Roblox.

I’m not sure what your point here is though. What tools offer you a way of importing dynamic shapes into Roblox?

Figma empowers developers to easily create UIs in a ‘professional’ manner. Roblox is missing a ton of these features when it comes to building UI and I’m not sure if they’ll ever be added. Luckily for us though, you can create your entire UI in Figma and import it into Roblox in seconds.

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