[FILLED] Talented Map Builder

Howdy there,

I’m looking for experienced map designers to work on a new FPS project. Pay is 50-150k robux per map depending on difficulty.

If you’re interested, shoot me a dm with examples.


i’m really interessed! have you discord?

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sir you dont know if i have a other account or this is my main or or i’m new to roblox but with much experience :smiley:

I am interested, can you add me ? Discord: ProGamerResul5566

u made albeert’s game. im interested with no examples. i require 1 roux

Could you please provide more information about the maps needed?
Low Poly or Realistic?

I guess having an alt account on roblox is not allowed

i didnt say i have a alt and it’s allowed :smiley:

Catch me outside hbd

you told PepperGV3 that he can’t know if this is your main or not.

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yep is there a problem and i will no tell you if i have one or not
btw why you want to know?

Hi interested i have map for fps.

Discord: -Alijandro#0807

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