Filter friend requests by verified

When you are a verified user you should be able to filter your friend requests to see other elite verified checkmark users who have sent you friend requests. we get a lot of friend requests and we miss out on connections because we cant sort thru the fluff. Would be greatly appreciated.


This is something all users could benefit off, there is no reason to lock it for verified individuals only.

You could sort it between username (A-Z, Z-A), request received, verification status, etc. I would use this feature greatly to explore better who added me.


Yes there is a reason since it would add to the allure and benefit of being verified. right now theres no benefits to being verified

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Being verified on Roblox isn’t meant to bring you any advantages over others, all it does is protect you from impersonation e.g. no one can set your username as their display name.

I understand you may be euphoric that you got verified and congrats, but it doesn’t mean that you should demand more out of something that didn’t needed to be given to you in the first place.

Simply be grateful.


Re-posting my personal opinion on this topic, from a similar feature-request:

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Why are verified users elite and non-verified users fluff??? Can you only create connections with verified users??? Why wouldn’t non-verified users also have the filter??? What is this statement??

99% of the time you can ask for something in any game and they’ll give you it, as with the star creator badge. Use your passive instead of asking for features that only benefit you.

Matter-of-fact what did you even do to get that badge?


As someone verified currently, I can sorta see where you’re coming from but this feature request and its reasoning feels very elitist; you can still make meaningful connections with people that arent verified. If someone verified legitimately wants to connect with you most of the time they going to contact you by other means instead of a roblox friend request anyways


verified ROBLOXIANS are a superior breed compared to you.

source: trust me bro


I think Roblox needs some sort of requests filter, but this is not the way to go.

We could have more filters available, given to EVERYBODY not just verified users.
I’m verified and I find this very unfair. The verified checkmark shouldn’t give you the benefit of finding more verified users and filling your friends list with random verified creators that you don’t know just to look more “professional, elitist” or flex on others.

I think a filter would be very good though, so let’s talk about the positivies of this post.
A filter to search request by verified, would be very much valid, but I think we could have some more options:

  • search bar (search by username)
  • Mutuals (personally this is what I would want to see more than verified)
  • Met in games
  • You might now (this feature would allow you to add people who send you requests & were currently watching your profile and sent request OR members of communities you’re part of)
  • Verified users (this would help people find verified users that sent them requests easier, but SHOULDN’T be exclusive to verified users)
  • friends suggestion (this would have a “send request” button instead of “accept”. I could see many people see this as an issue, so I think a good way of adding this, would be never showing suggestions unless users have this turned on)

This is pretty much it, I guess!

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