Finale of Part Surface Changes: No More Hinges

Both features were removed in 2019, the studio build is from 2020.
You can read about the change here: Part Surface Weld Changes [Activated!]

I’ve never had a surface hinge wheel break it’s plane of existence while driving, however I’ve seen wheels with constraint hinges morph under the map causing the car to be stuck forever.

I personally don’t think there is anything about constraints I’d call “less finicky” than surface welds.


Again, this is nothing unique to constraints. Surface hinges and hinge constraints use the exact same physics solver with the same parameterization underneath.

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Surface Hinges tend to be stiffer and not easily fold on themselves like Constraint Hinges.

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Very unfortunate that now surfaces are hidden on all smooth objects. I loved to use hinges to identify front faces(only in studio), and studs/universal surface to help align things when building. This was a step in the wrong direction for me, I’ll have to code up a plugin just to regain the same functionality I had for years before.


So. With the VehicleSeat, a property called AreHingesDetected exists, but I’ve discovered that it will no longer detect new surface hinges made. I believe it was working, on some previous update.

Could you specify what conditions are needed to make the VehicleSeat use new wheels?

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Pls add SurfaceParts back, I’m so used to using Surface parts, I don’t like to use hinge contrast (Unless it’s a door, a motor, a chain, or a buckle joint.)

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Now does this mean I cant create a normal roblox car (without code using vehicle seat) it was really easy to do than scripting a whole car

Maybe I can cut off a piece from an old car asset which has wheel connected to a part and I can scale that part to be small and use it on my builds

Yeah thats very smart

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Will, Surface parts be gone permanently!? I really hope not. :frowning:

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yeah I hope studs dont get removed I like them


Wait, when u said yeah, does that mean SURFACE PARTS ARE REMOVED FOREVER!?!??!

No I said yeah to

This part

It would be so bad If they got removed

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