Okay I’m a bit confused now. Are you looking to make a block placement thing or are you looking to place blocks automatically in a line in front of the player? If you’re looking for block placement you could just use the normal property of the raycast result to snap a part to another part’s face, which would be the face that the mouse hits.
For example,
local ray = workspace:Raycast(mouse.Origin, mouse.Direction * 1000)
if ray then
local normal = ray.Normal
local instance = ray.Instance
newBlock.CFrame = instance.CFrame * CFrame.new(normal * (instance.Size / 2 + blockSize / 2))
Okay then in that case you should be able to use this:
You can still get the goal position by using the position variable, you’d just need to change the Y axis to be grid aligned and actually below the player instead of level to the player.
i already know where the player is and where the block is suppost to be so i want to check that 1 position not increment the raycast my 1 untill it detects no block there
i think i got it to work using this
what you did ill do a bit more testing then ill give u solution
for i = 1, 4 do
local position = HRP.Position + HRP.CFrame.LookVector * i * 6
local rayResult = workspace:Raycast(position, -CFrame.identity.LookVector * 200)
if rayResult then
Okay, I see, so couldn’t you cast a ray from above the block’s target position, in the downward direction?
workspace:Raycast(part goal position + part.Size.Y, -CFrame.identity.LookVector * gridSize)
Only thing here is that you’d need a shorter ray. If a block is, say, between your grid size * 2 (let’s say 10) and 200 studs, it’ll still intersect a part which is why if you cast a ray that’s one grid size above, and it’s only a grid size length, it can only intersect that one part directly below it
Right, you’d just cast a ray above where the part’s supposed to be (in the position of a theoretical adjacent block), in the downward direction, but only have the ray’s length be a grid size step long.
So suppose goalPosition is the position where the block should be.
local adjacentBlockPosition = goalBlockPosition + Vector3.new(0, gridSize, 0)
⬜ <- this part's CFrame would be equivalent of adjacentBlockPosition. Even if there isn't a part here it's just to visualize where it *would* be
⬜⬜ ⬜⬜
local isPartHere = workspace:Raycast(adjacentBlockPosition, -CFrame.identity.LookVector * gridSize)
╻ <- suppose this is our ray, since we're casting it downwards, it will check that there is no part to intersect, thus we can ascertain there is no part here.
⬜⬜ ╹ ⬜⬜
had there been a block here, the ray would've intersected it
╻ <- it intersected the block below it
Because Roblox doesn’t consider interior faces of a basepart a valid intersector, it wouldn’t intersect the theoretical block above the goal position.
⬜⬜ ╹⬜⬜ <-- pretend the ray is in the centre of the part
local adjacentBlockPosition = SnapHRP + Vector3.new(0, GridSnap, 0)
local isPartHere = workspace:Raycast(adjacentBlockPosition, -CFrame.identity.LookVector * GridSnap)
if Ray then
You’re casting a ray from above the character, not the block’s goal position (unless you want the block to be in the position of the root part, in that case you’d have to add the character to be blacklisted via a RaycastParams)