FindFirstDescendant() is not enabled

I was trying to use FindFirstDescendant() but it gave the error mentioned in the title. Have used this for tons of times and never had a problem with it. I was trying to get descendant of a model.

For now bypassed the issue by using FindFirstChild(whatever, true), but I have many things in my game that use FindFirstDescendant, and it would be a pain in the ass to change them all. What is the issue?


You posted release notes that were 100 releases before. I literally used FindFirstDescendant() Yesterday, and many times before that, and it worked without any issue.

This explains nothing as to why it stopped working now. I also mentioned that I did use findfirstchild with recursive, but that it is not a solution for me.


I guess you are using Mod Manager since its still not out

just use FindFirstChild recursive


I’ve ran into this problem before apparently this is a disabled or none active feature it took me some time to look and I saw people on the devforum talk about how it’s not a working feature yet is this true? I don’t have any other evidence it’s not ready yet

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Stop referencing old topics. If you read the post fully you would see that literally yesterday it was working, and I did use findfirstchild with a recursive.

Instance:FindFirstDescendant (


It literally does not work, its still not out yet, and the exitance of the FindFirstChild recursive completely overrides it.

The documentation says nothing, it doesn’t say that it works


Find me any page in documentation that says “This Works”. Things that DO NOT work should be specifically marked as such, as deprecated or something else.


It tells you it doesn’t work its not enabled for the general community if its not for the community its implying its still in testing then.

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I did some searching around, and it seems like a pretty odd situation. Stumbled on this thread due to getting the same error. Nothing in the method’s documentation shows that it’s not functional in any way, but no results came up on actually making it work. I took other’s advice in this thread and used Instance:FindFirstChild(name, true) instead. If you’ve had :FindFirstDescendant in scripts before, I’d recommend just using the replace all functionality to quickly swap all of them out for the recommended method.


I know you posted it like a year ago but you can replace it with a function.

function FindFirstDescendant(obj, child, parent, is)
	for _, objs in pairs(obj:GetDescendants()) do
		if objs.Name == child then
			if is then
				if not objs:IsA(is) then return end
			if parent then
				if objs.Parent.Name ~= parent then return end
			print(objs.Name.." Found")
			return objs

i added in some extra parameters (is, parent) so i can truely make sure the object im searching for matches


crazy since its been 2 years.



i think it was a testing project with roblox studio staff
might come back

but the

instance:FindFirstChild(string, true)

still works the same as we probably thought FindFirstDescendant would work

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You could just do ctrl + shift + f and replace every occurrence of FindFirstDescendant with FindFirstChild recursive.

Will we ever be able to just use FindFirstDescendant? I’m already using the recursive parameter from FindFirstChild, but personally it just looks cleaner to have it as FindFirstDescendant("Name") than FindFirstChild("Name", true).