Firebase and Roblox Connection

Our game is about selling ad slots to partners. When a user buys a Developer Product, the user is asked to insert a code. Firebase Firestore is then called to get a document with the field code equal to the code the user inserted (READ). If the call returns a document successfully that exists, the document’s data is then merged with:

bought: true
boughtOn: Math.floor(


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What is the specific question related to your thread? As it hasn’t been mentioned.

Hey, I’m working with @DerBusfahrer12. Sorry about the confusion, what we’d like to know is how we can implement this in Studio so users can use the system described.

We know how to use Firebase but we’d like to know how to add it to our project. Is there like a npm install firebase-tools to run in a terminal on Studio?

Also, Firebase requires to store secrets, how to do that? On Visual Studio Code, a file suffices.

There is no such thing as Roblox Studio packages, nor a Roblox Studio package manager. If no Roblox-Firebase module exists for you to use, then you’ll implement it on your own. Consult Firebase’s API reference for what API endpoints to contact via HttpService

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To clarify, the question you’re asking is how do we install Firebase on ROBLOX studio?

As Ziffix said above, you cannot install it directly on ROBLOX studio. I’ve linked resources below to aid your installation and operation cases.

Download via Wally:

Installation & Operating Guide with Robase: