FireClickDetector and FireProximityPrompt Exploit Detection

RoGuard is great and Server Detections have a extremly low rate of false detection.
And the pro version have a CoreGui detection

Can i get a demonstration?

Most games that have a “CoreGui” detection aren’t actually, they are really just using preloadasync and checking for if any images are added into CoreGui aka a Library.
Most scripts use ProtectedGuis now, so this is basically useless now

while task.wait() do -- loops
	game:GetService("ContentProvider"):preloadAsync({game.CoreGui}, function(assetid, status) -- search coregui for any assets, the 2nd arg is useless
		if string.find(tostring(assetid), "rbxassetid://") then -- Roblox will never put a rbxassetid by themselves in.
			game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick('Exploiting! External Library Added to the Game!') -- Kick Player if detected (I would kick with a remote tbh)
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Nobody is ContentProvider anymore and its just a trash detection anyway. RoGuard doesnt have an instantly CoreGui Detection, it have a Scrolling detection (when you scroll on an exploit gui), TextBox (when you type something in his exploit)


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This is a really cool anti-exploit Spidercraft! Will definitely use because of the annoying exploiters…

Oh yeah! I also love a lot the anti-cheat filterware, its quite cool, thanks you Spidercraft!!! <3