Fixed shotgun bullet spread, hardcoded or an equation?

I’m working on a FPS framework and I’ve had trouble with how to make a fixed bullet spread. obviously you could easily make random bullet spread by adding a weight of like 5 degrees on a shot, but I can’t figure out how to make a fixed bullet spread without hardcoding it.

All I want to know is what the equation would be.

fixed as in it isn’t random. It stays the same with every shot in a predictable pattern.

TL;DR (I know it’s not long but it’s confusing)
how to not hardcode fixed shotgun spread.

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You could create a spread pattern the first time the shotgun is shot, then cache it so that when it is shot again it can retrieve the first spread pattern

I could, but that still doesn’t help with making the bullet spread in the first place.

Here is a video created by @sleitnick about generating planets equally in a circular play area, if you skip to 14:25 then there will be an explanation of how something like this may be done and the principle word work with shotgun spread.

I actually figured this out. I did make a post on this:

With fixed spread, does that mean you code it by yourself? You can have a list of x/y orientations and iterate through that.

Here are a few articles that will no doubt help you with this. ^ And perhaps you could use something like math.random(lowerSpread, upperSpread) with a small interval in order to add some variation to it.

fixed spread as in it stays the same with every shot and is completely predictable.

So basically like arsenal. Then using a table filled with Vector3s and calling CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame.Angles(vector)). You might need to fill the vectors with radian measures instead of degrees, because CFrame.Angles() takes radians.

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