[FIXED!] TerrainPaths V1.1 - Create smooth paths for terrain


TerrainPaths [V1.1]

Hey everyone, @AntiBoomz0r and I worked on this plugin for the last few days and wanted to share for free! It still needs some work and bug fixes, but I wanted to get it into your hands early


Have you ever tried making a smooth winding path around a mountain , or a smooth slope for roads or players to travel on?

It’s a bit of a nightmare with the studio tools, they require a high amount of effort to produce smooth paths

We made a plugin that lets you draw out and adjust spline curves and click render to conform the terrain to your path!

Here's a more detailed video of it in action - with a timelapse at the end of me creating a cool winding path around a mountain


  • Create, export, or load a spline

  • Radial menu with Spacebar for quick access to modes

  • Move nodes around by dragging a node or the handles


  • Adjust the width of nodes by dragging the handles


  • Add more nodes to the spline


  • Delete nodes from the spline


  • Subdivide nodes to add more detail


  • Bridge Toggle

    • By default, terrain will be filled all the way up to the spline from the ground

    • You can instead choose which segments act as a land bridge which prevents them from filling all the way to the ground



I'll do my best to explain these


  • MinWidth
    • Controls the minimum width of all segments. Final width is calculated as the maximum value between a point’s width and this setting


  • Smoothness

    • Controls the smoothness of the conformity
  • Strength

    • Controls the overall strength of the effect, recommended value is 1
  • HeightOffset

    • Vertical Offset in studs for the spline
  • SegmentInterval

    • The stud interval in which the spline is sampled, both on the preview mesh and generation

      • I couldn’t find much of a difference beneath 10, so that’s the default value
  • TunnelHeight

    • TerrainPaths supports carving tunnels through terrain. This setting dictates the height of those tunnels that will be cut

    • TerrainPaths even supports crossing over other paths! As long as they’re not too close to each other(dictated by TunnelHeight)


  • BridgeThickness
    • This dictates the thickness in studs for land bridges

    • This only affects segments between nodes that are toggled to true for bridges


  • Tension

    • This is a Catmull-Rom spline related property, recommended value is 0.5, but feel free to play around with it
  • Path Loops

    • Dictates whether or not the path loops back to the start


  • AutoMaterial

    • If true, the terrain generation will attempt to use whatever material is underneath the spline rather than the one you choose

Things I want to add but didn't get the time for this initial release:
  • Proper Undo/Redo support

  • Various bug fixes

  • Perhaps a way to control the falloff a bit better, but this can all be smoothed out pretty easily
    with the studio tools afterwards

Get it here! I'm excited to see what you create with it

Special thanks:


simply incredible! this is probably the greatest plugin I have ever seen regarding terrain building, I can tell a lot of work was put into it, i’ll make sure to use it, thank you and keep up the good work!



Terrain designing will flourish with the help of this plugin. Can’t wait for more updates!


Absolute game changer! Thanks for making this public. Will be put to good use 200%


im not surprised tyridge released this, he’s made good terrain plugins before - really excited for this new release!

edit: terrain specifically is really difficult for paths on cliffs, this is major for all terrain developers


This plugin is super helpful for making paths! Now I do not have to worry about if the terrain is flat whenever I sculpt something.


This is something missing from Roblox terrain, and I can’t believe it took a community developer to get it out, after all this time


Can’t wait to use this as well as see what others within the community make using this!


The plugin is great, maybe you could somehow figure out fence placement?


If I recall correctly , someone already made a plugin for that using Bézier curves, but I can’t remember the name of it


This is a game changer. Thank you for making this! Very easy to use.

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This is awesome. Can’t wait to use it!

this. this is beautiful. really appreciate what you’ve done here. smooth terrain can look really good when its done right and you’ve made that a lot easier.

eternally grateful, amazing plugin

EditableMesh API changes broke this plugin recently(thanks to Irisynth for pointing this out to me!)

I just published a fix so make sure to update

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Plugin just stopped working all of a sudden-
The beta feature is enabled. Not sure why this is happening.

Roblox changed how EditableMesh API worked again

I’ll push out a fix tomorrow, but it won’t really work until the latest studio update rolls out for you(not sure how long that takes)

Why is this 1.1 but the plugin on the marketplace is 1.0?