FJ's (Experimental) Character Anticheat

repro.rbxl (21.8 KB)

I rest my case.


No you weld the part to the character’s humanoid root part, silly.

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That’s what I did.

Just look at the file.

You’re doing it wrong.

I’ve been using this and it’s proven effective.

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I did exactly what you said I should do. The part is attached to the HumanoidRootPart with a weld so I can touch it to stuff.

Go read the scripts!

For your future reference, make a note that local manipulation of certain properties of welds, specifically those which are a descendant of the character, replicate to the server.

You should keep on improving and advancing this anticheat.
This creation of yours could be useful for many games, like obbies for example. Maybe certain games that are targeted for exploiting(which are many) should use this feature, there may be some bugs but it could help a lot!


This is really cool! I like the features and methods used to make this work!
I’m actually making a basic AE myself and also plan on releasing it.

A feature that you could try to implement is a ignores system (I made this in my AE) that can stop important people getting affected by certain checks.

Keep it up! Hope to see some good updates!

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Could be wrong, but I think you can just use :SetNetworkOwner(nil) on the part to give physics control back to the server.

Just Epic, and can we use it in our games?

If its attached to the character this won’t work. It’ll either add major input delay to the character, or just be automatically set back to the player as the network owner.

Also, @ForbiddenJ, wouldn’t also checking if the part the player moved through is anchored be a good practice? If it isn’t anchored that could mean its a moving part, so that would reduce the false positives.

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I would recommend checking other parts as well. Cheaters can teleport their other limbs around too quickly for other players to avoid. For script developers and players who know Lua (like myself) it could be trivial to modify a run of the mill FE Invisible Fling script to work with other body parts.


Jump up against this wall and keep jumping, you’ll get teleported back for flying. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually parts have :IsGrounded() now, so that should be what is used :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did not know there was a :IsGrounded() function. I’ve managed to optimize the code some using it, though I’m still working on the physics.


Are there any performance drops from this when on a large map?

I was testing the implementation of this into a game I’m working on, but it had some major performance issues.

Gonna work with it a bit more, see if I can find any resolutions.

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I noticed your setting the ownership of the character to the server I thought that causes delay or is that only on the Humanoid?