Flipbook — Storybook plugin for Roblox UI

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flipbook is a storybook plugin that previews UI components in a sandboxed environment. With it you can isolate distinct parts of your game’s UI to hammer out edge cases and complex states without having to run through the whole UI.

With native support for popular UI libraries like Roact, Fusion, and Roact 17, no matter how you create UI you can write a story for it in flipbook


This is something I’ve really been looking forward to (as a Fusion user), and looking at your documentation, it seems really well executed! The UI also looks great and familiar.

I’ll definitely make use of this at our next project to generalize UI components easier, it’ll likely be a major efficiency boost.


How can I use it with fusion its not working.

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Look like Github’s Flipbook. Epic. I don’t know about it though, does it allow you to like, export it? so i could have it come with my plugin, so when you open it it shows this?

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Could you update the doc link?

I was wondering about using FlipBook with UI libraries that are not Roact?

I have a custom UI Library that I use and I’d love to try out FlipBook with it!