Even something as simple as what a user thinks of as one move operation can be one calculation or many, depending on how it’s implemented and how the numbers update with each mouse movement. This is key to this problem.
Yes but again for the past 3 years or 4 years I never had the problem and I have not changed the way I build things so the fact that it just started 5 days ago kinda indicates it isn’t just me. More so the fact that I only moved it 1 time. Not trying to sound rude either if it seems that way.
What is the scale of the errors you’re seeing? And are you able to reproduce the behavior easily building near to the origin? I’m trying to work out what the contributing factors are. I can reproduce accumulating error with a single part drag, but only in the range of about +/-0.002 studs using axis-aligned dragging, and only with increments that have not-nice binary representations, such as 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, etc. I can’t repro what I see with powers of two like 0.125, 0.25, 0.5. More information on the nature and scale of your problem might help work out if what I’ve noticed and what you’re seeing are even the same problem.
I get the error when I move anything more than 1 part. and idk by how much i would guess .0015 since .001 doesn’t fix it nor does .002 fix it. I just invited you to the other message with a example of the bug.
This is so unfortunate; it’s now 2021 and this still hasn’t been resolved
FWIW floating point errors have been far less prominent since this thread.
The new draggers really helped.
The parts are aligned fine in Studio, but misalign when loaded in the game client
I can’t say I run into that, but I get floating point errors when dragging a part against any side of another part that is not it’s top.
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