Flood Escape 2 Audio Uploader


Are you looking for a simple way to upload and manage custom audio files for your Flood Escape 2 (FE2) maps? This open-source FE2 Audio Uploader allows you to easily upload .mp3 or .ogg files and access them for your maps. Along with an uploader, there’s a list page that lets you view and manage all of your previously uploaded audio files, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to use the FE2 Audio Uploader and the accompanying list page to streamline your custom audio workflow.

What This Tool Does

The FE2 Audio Uploader allows you to:

  • Upload .mp3 or .ogg audio files to use in your custom FE2 maps.
  • View all previously uploaded files in a simple and organized list.
  • Securely track your uploads via login!

This project is completely open-source, meaning you can access the full codebase, contribute to it, or even set up your own version!

GitHub Repository & Direction to Page

You can access the full source code on GitHub & Direction to Page here:
GitHub Repository for FE2 Uploader Once there, go to the README for Instructions!

The repository includes all the files needed to run the uploader and list page, along with detailed instructions on how to set it up on your own machine.

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