Floor Sliding/Humanoid.HipHeight spontaneously set to 0

I have seen this bug on Trade Hangout too. It was a one time thing and I thought it was just the one server or an exploiter came. So it’s probably not just Dawn of Aurora.

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I’ve been continually experiencing this across three different games that I have managed over the last year; the two things that will trigger it are (both are required):

  • Game has content streaming enabled; and
  • The game applies HumanoidDescription which changes a user BodyPart (i.e. removes body accessories)

Here’s my (far out, just conjecture) guess as to why this happens: HipHeight is calculated on the client, and certain things aren’t loaded in at the time of calculation due to content streaming. The problem is, respawning the user doesn’t seem to resolve this - it requires the user to rejoin to have a chance of not experiencing floor sliding.


I’m pretty sure that this is not just the game not being able to calculate the hip-height. I think this is due to the game not being able to detect your avatar for a few seconds, then suddenly being able to detect it.

  • Similar issues have occurred to me when free falling over and over again in studio, in piggy, and in obbies. In piggy particularly I’ve noticed it happen frequently on maps like outpost (happening so often that I’ve noticed that in piggy if this happens, your always going to slide to the right guarantee for some reason at high speeds. This fixes when you hit an object hard enough).
    While in obby games I’ve noticed it happen after I’ve jumped and am about to land on the block (this one is more rare but still happens ever so often)
  • I’m making the guess that when a player is moving fast enough (this is increased by the fall), and hits the ground at just the right spot, then this bug will occur. I don’t know how to check if content streaming is enabled on any of these games (or my own, due to not knowing how to enable it), however that could be an issue in the future if that is the root cause.

This doesn’t require the said person to leave and rejoin, it happens if you rejoin as well. (It is possible that the said bugs I am experiencing are a different bug, with similar side effects, as it usually happens after I land on something, but doesn’t happen when I spawn in)


My game doesn’t have streaming enabled toggled but it has the same issue.

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I continute to face this issue. No streaming enabled, im using a custom character and custom spawn script.


I have solved the issue on my end merely by setting the player’s character to the character model before parenting the model to workspace. This was the only noteworthy difference between this game and another game I previously made which didn’t have this issue. May help others.

I don’t recall why I didn’t use this order in the first place. I’ve reset/respawned dozens of times and no issue.

I moved by spawn back down to floor level and set the character to spawn at the spawn location + hipheight. Still works, no issues. Well, i didnt respawn once and the reset button didnt work once but…

Anyway, I still believe it should be fixed by roblox such that the humanoid hipheight wont for whatever reason set itself to 0 sometimes if done the other way round. It has affected many people.

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I know this post is almost 4 years old but I found a really simple solution:

When the player’s character loads in, use player:RequestStreamAroundAsync(character's position)