Flying Sleigh using attachments

I’m trying to create a flying sleigh for my game, and I want it to basically fly around the map using attachments. It would fly to one attachment, rotate towards the next one, and fly to it. I have figured out how to make it fly smoothly to an attachment but can’t figure out how to make it so it faces towards the attachment. I am using parts welded to a main part for the sleigh by the way.

Current script:
local TweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local Time = time()
local Total = 20
local Model = workspace.Sleigh
local Start = Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()

while time() - Time <= Total do
local End = game.Workspace.Att.Attachment1.WorldCFrame,100,0)
local TI = TweenService:GetValue((time() - Time)/Total, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In)
local CFrame2 = Start:Lerp(End,TI)

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This might be what you are looking for, if attachment is counted as a part this might work.

(How to make a part face the direction of another part)

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