Try pre-loading the sounds? the footstep module does the whole process of making a new sound, putting the soundID in there, then playing it all at the same time, so it has to load any new sound. That could be the latency.
Yeah raycasting every frame would overall increace lag
Hm, that might actually be the problem, since the issues seems to decrease the longer I playtest. How would I preload the sounds, if iI only have the ID’s and not actual sound objects?
the footstep module already has the sound instances in it. try cloning them and playing them on the character.
I dont get it, the module only has the sound ID’s and not any actual sound objects, how would I preload the sound ID’s?
oh a module, Im not doing my code then, I use the normal default animation script. Its not my job to fix someone else’s code. CYA.
It’s a module containing random sound ID’s for different materials, actually playing the sound is up to you
I might have an older version of this module because I don’t have this folder inside, could you send me your verison lol
thanks, I’ll try this and see how it goes
Wait, so should I just add a script for the sole purpose of preloading all the sounds inside of the folder?
do whatever you want. I would just clone the sounds. That’s more optimal but I do not know that much about content providing. The footstep module worked fine for me with no optimizations. Just the uglyburger tutorial worked for me.
Yeah it seems to be working for me right now too, I could probably play around with it more tho (like actually adding events to the anim, right now I’m playing the sound based on a cooldown) thanks for your help!
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