Forever AFK help

Idk why it keeps doing that. Shouldn’t it all be like that?

Ok I sent it. Do I need to make a separate world or anything?

That should work though??? I don’t know why it’s not working on your side

Can you try the place website I sent?

I did try it and your game worked. Ill send mine.

Does it work for you? I might try my alt.

There is 1 strange instance that I see:

The script is firing way faster than what I originally had my script was, did you friend happen to remove the Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() line in there? (ALSO THE DARN SERVER SHUTDOWN DUE TO “MAINTENENCE” WHAT)

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No and I updated it to fix something. idk sad moment

Try this instead in the script:

local TPService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

    if game.PrivateServerId ~= 0 then
	    TPService:Teleport(game.PlaceId, Player)
    	local Code = TPService:ReserveServer(game.PlaceId)

	    TPService:TeleportToPrivateServer(game.PlaceId, Code, {Player})

It says there is an error in the script.

Yes I’m aware that’s cause of darn FORMATTING

I edited it, try again

k lemme test it. Also THANKS FOR THE HELP!!!

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Dang it after a few teleports it shuts down.

Bruh what

How does it shutdown though??? That wouldn’t make any sense?

It does the error thingy I sent earlier

Idk what’s different about your place that’s causing it to happen, could you send the place file? This is v e r y s t r a n g e

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Afk.rbxl (28.4 KB)