Form Embedder: An impossibly simple way to add a Google Form to your experience

Awesome! Thanks for the quick fix!!

I figured out the issue - its because my form is in sections! Not to worry as I have changed it and it now works. Thank you!!


thank you so much for the quick fix and the information on how to merge it without replacing everything!

Would it be possible to have multiple forms in one place?

Thanks for still looking back at this! :smiley:

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Super helpful, wish I had this in my game sooner! I wish there was an easier system offered to view and manage these feedback. It’s very tedious to sift through using the site & and the .csv export was also filled with spam and untranslated.


I discovered that you can send data to Google Sheets and use the formula =GOOGLETRANSLATE(B1:B, "auto", "en") to quickly (and for free) translate a .CSV from Forms. For reference, my game’s feedback .CSV has ~27k entries, and I translated it in about 20 minutes.

Additionally, I filtered out entries with fewer than 30 ch​ara​cters, more than 2000, or fewer than one space per 15 characters, removing 55% of the messages. The only false positives were from languages without spaces (e.g., Japanese), as the average word length in most languages caps out around 7 characters.

I also created a program to help manage the feedback, which works well with large datasets. If anyone’s interested, let me know and I’d be happy to share!

Edit: Oops, I removed the username and user ID columns from the data.


@BitwiseAndrea I’ve been having this issue for a while now and it’s stopping my forms from loading.

  21:05:41.424  Parsed label from data-params not equal to other.  -  Server - FormService:257
  21:05:41.424  Which platform are you using?  -  Server - FormService:258
  21:05:41.424  Which platform are you using?   -  Server - FormService:259
  21:05:41.424  Parsed label from data-params not equal to other.  -  Server - FormService:257
  21:05:41.424  What do you like the most about the game?  -  Server - FormService:258
  21:05:41.425  What do you like the most about the game?   -  Server - FormService:259
  21:05:41.425  Parsed label from data-params not equal to other.  -  Server - FormService:257
  21:05:41.425  Have you come across any bugs or glitches? If yes, please describe them.  -  Server - FormService:258
  21:05:41.425  Have you come across any bugs or glitches? If yes, please describe them.   -  Server - FormService:259
  21:05:41.426  Parsed label from data-params not equal to other.  -  Server - FormService:257
  21:05:41.427  How would you rate the music and sound effects?  -  Server - FormService:258
  21:05:41.427  How would you rate the music and sound effects?   -  Server - FormService:259


Seems like a weird whitespace issue. I think i know how to fix this - just trim the whitespace on the params before comparison.

Busy this week but will try to get to this weekend.