Hello all, just a simple question I have: how can I format a number to include commas between groups of three zeros? I’m pretty sure this is possible with string.format but I could be wrong… any help would be appreciated!
I tried looking up the documentation for string.format but I only found decimal formating (300 → 300.00), didn’t find anything on the devforum.
I’m looking to make values like 2000 display as 2,000.
Thanks! This works very well, but for some reason when I put this in the command bar it gives two numbers?
formatNumber(1000) → 1,000 1
Also this doesn’t work with anything greater than 1 million but that’s fine, the most my items will cost is probably around 10,000
Idk why the 1 appears, it happens with other numbers too
That’s because gsub returns not only the number, but the number of times that pattern occurred. See here: string | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub for further information
You didn’t put in the right search terms then. You need to spend time searching. You cannot just have a one-off search and call it “no results”. I simply searched up “number commas” and enough threads to have an understanding of how to do this turned up: no excuse on your part.
Well then you could use it like this if you have even smaller numbers e. g. 1550 you will have to play around with code:
local value = 1500
if value > 999 then
local sd = value/1000
if math.floor(sd)%sd~=0 or math.ceil(sd)%sd~=0 then
local minus = (sd-math.floor(sd))*10
local minus2 = (sd-math.floor(sd))
if sd-math.floor(sd)>=0.5 then
local sdtwo = sd-minus2
The fourth argument of gsub can be used to guarantee there is no extra comma, instead of an extra gsub call.
local function formatNumber(n)
n = tostring(n)
return n:reverse():gsub("...","%0,",math.floor((#n-1)/3)):reverse()
print(formatNumber(1000)) --> 1,000