Formatting options on the devforum that you should know!

Hi! I made this for me but I thought I’d share this. I was hesitant about which category to post to (tutorials or resources) but I decided on this one. tell me if you think I could improve something, and don’t forget to bookmark this post!

happy copy pasting!



Header text — # Text (supports 6 #)

Big text.<big>text</big>
Bold text. — **text**
Italic text. — *text*
struckthrough text. — ~~text~~
small text.<small>text</small>

Differential text

deleted text.<del>text</del>
marked text.<mark>text</mark>
inserted text.<ins>text</ins>


This is an abbr or a definition. (hover the … text to see info) — <abbr title=“ADDITIONAL INFO”>WORD</abbr>

Numbers idk what to call this

O2, CO2 --------------- 2 is a <sub>subscript</sub>

E=MC2, √a2, b2 ------- 2 is a <sup>superscript</sup>


keyboard key like CTRL, kinda has duolingo’s style<kbd>key</kbr>


---, or *** — adds a horizontal line that separates text


examples: badge's source
<p><a href="">
<img src="upload://pLg0omLve6hzmpeZsS6GVa5FWDr.svg" alt="DESCRIPTION">
</a>--- base64 encoded image</p>

DESCRIPTION --- base64 encoded image

Roblox badge's source
<p><a href="">
<img src="" alt="DESCRIPTION">
</a>--- SimpleIcons slug</p>

DESCRIPTION --- SimpleIcons slug

Example badge's source
<a href="https://EXAMPLE.COM">
	<img src="" alt="DESCRIPTION">

<!- change EXAMPLE.COM with your link, or remove <a></a> if not needed -->
<!- switch CAPITALIZED text with appropriate values, including DESCRIPTION.-->
to write spaces, slashes, exclamation marks, and many other characters in your badges, you need to use their encoded writings for the badge to work properly. so here's their encoded versions. encoding

character encoding
' ' _
'_' __
'-' --

percent-coding, for every badge provider

character encoding
':' %3A
'/' %2F
'?' %3F
'#' %23
'[' %5B
']' %5D
'@' %40
'!' %21
'$' %24
'&' %26
"'" %27
'(' %28
')' %29
'*' %2A
'+' %2B
',' %2C
';' %3B
'=' %3D
'%' %25
' ' %20

more info at | Documentation


table of bug reports --- using HTML tables because more user-friendly imo.
username title description
biillyyy123 hello Lorem ipsum, io buonasera de la baguette.
bombingcutie78 crash when dancing I danced then crashed. This is very serious.


you can paste &#8203; to escape an invisible character, useful if your post is shorter than the character minimum

Old post: Formatting options on the devforum that you should know!


This was originally posted on my old account which I forgot the password of and of the email address linked to said account, however I’m still logged into it on my computer.
So, I am reposting this here, as I do not want to wait for my old account’s unevitable demise to transfer my important resources.

Every update will now be posted here.

(sorry for bad english I am tired)


I don’t think this has full coverage apart from the meta forum for Discourse. It will not suffice as a Community Resource AND it was covered elsewhere.

You can find most things on how to format your post by reviewing HTML elements.

The main thing from my post was the cool badge thing, i added the other things bc why not

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That’s just basic HTML at this point, but not in the best way possible, since you can just use hyperlinking.

Result, although not clickable like its other form:

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You can’t use hyperlinking or else it will cache the link

glad to see this again, as i found the original post was useful and has helped me with formatting. : )


Woops, turns out someone was ahead of you.

[![ lol](upload://pLg0omLve6hzmpeZsS6GVa5FWDr.svg)](

Badge: lol


it still caches the link though…

another very useful thing is how to add invisible characters so that you can make posts with less than 3 0characters (donot use this to abuse)
to add (zero width space/invisible) character type &#8203; and that will make an invisible text


I don’t think the caching is actually a problem?

Another shortcut for degrees (°) if you’re dealing with lots of CFraming or Orientation posts is Alt 0176.


Isn’t it on keyboards though? :sweat_smile:

I’ve never seen it on a keyboard.

I don’t use QWERTY so maybe that’s why