Forum speed slowed down

I’ve recently realized that the speed for pages, topics, replies, and even posting a reply have become very slow.

I’m wondering if this is just something on my end or if this is happening to anyone else.

While posting this I got a 502 error.


It’s slow on my end to. I thought it was only me at first, but since you posted this, it may be the site itself. Editing posts and posting new ones take very long.

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I think it’s a general issue. A lot of people experienced this.

Good. I’ve noticed it over the last two days but just thought it was my internet. It’s been taking forever to see replies of large topics because they load forever.

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Speeds have been normal for me.

When I tried to look at your forum profile I got another 502 error.

Seems like it is with the server.

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Thought it was my wifi! Yeah but it’s def happening in my end aswell.

Yeah, it happens to me too, I’m not sure why.

It has only started today for me, and I kinda knew it couldnt be my internet considering a google speed test I took said that my connection was very fast. Good to know Im not alone, though.

I have started having this as well and the forum speed for me is not so good. I guess this isn’t an issue that is only coming to me.

This should be resolved now, though let me know if you still get abnormally long load times.

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Follow up on this issue here if problems continue: