Frappé - Ideas for Trainings

DRINKS (in ascending difficulty)

Order 1:

Iced Decaf
Iced Regular
Flavoured Milk
Hot Chocolate
Green Tea
Passion Tea
White Tea
Black Tea

Order 2:
Flavored Latte
Iced Latte
Flat White
Flavoured Cappuccino
Flavoured Macchiato
Iced Green Tea
Iced Black Tea
Iced White Tea
Iced Passion Tea

Order 3:
Flavoured Mocha
Iced Mocha
Flavoured Frappe
Flavoured Milkshake
Flat White

Order 4 (drink + pastry):

Flavoured Milkshake
Flavoured Slushie
+(choose one)

Flavoured Cookie
Flavoured Muffin
Flavoured Cakepop

Order 5 (one drink, one pastry, one ice-cream):

Chocolate Smoothie
Flavoured Smoothie
Chocolate Milk

+(choose one).
Flavoured Cookie
Flavoured Muffin
Flavoured Cakepop

+(choose one).

Strawberry Ice Cream
Chocolate Ice Cream
Vanilla Ice Cream
Mint Ice Cream
Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Oreo Ice Cream


During the trivia section, shadows may be asked to complete either the second grammar question, or the general knowledge question as well as a trolling simulation.

When your trainer says that you will be taking over, you step into the centre.

If you were completing the second grammar question, you’d say something like;

“I’ll now be commencing onto the second grammar question. Any questions before I send this question?”.

If they say no, then you can say;

“Great! Remember to not shout out the answer. Give me a moment to send this question”.

Now is the time to create your own grammar question. Grammar questions haven’t to be too challenging, but they must have errors. You could use something like these:

[2] Please correct the following sentence; “hewo welcom to frappe haw can i halp u on dis gr8 day! menu is abov”.

[2] Please correct the following sentence; “i didnot askk for a icecreme i askked 4 a cakkpop!”.

You send the question, by saying “pm (Username),(Username),(Username) (question).”. If they get it right, add a point. If not, send them their correction in the PM back.

Sending the general knowledge question is a similar process. When your trainer says that you can take over, you take over and could say;

“I’ll now be sending the general knowledge question. You can use any resources to help you. Give me a moment to send it”.

Your general knowledge question has to be something about Frappe. Examples include:

“[3] What should you do if you spot another worker not using grammar?”.

“[3] Can you name 3 fruity flavours within Frappe?”.

You send the question, by saying “pm (Username),(Username),(Username) (question).” If they get it right, add a point. If not, send them their correction in the PM back.


The infamous trolling simulation is included in the trivia section of training. You may do the trolling simulations either before or after your pms in trivia - subject to your personal preference. To introduce, you may something like “I’ll now start your final simulation. Please state your greetings as soon as I refresh myself.” For this, you’ll need to create a trolling outfit, and save it into your Roblox outfits. After you refresh, you can choose what you would like to do in your simulation. Examples include, by are by no means limited to:

  • An exploiting simulation.

  • A regular trolling simulation; i.e. cowcow, albert.

  • Not ordering properly simulation.

  • Speaking a different language simulation

  • Customer who is spamming

Document written by aqcaintance
Edited by new_slates

Approved by the HRs.


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