Frappé - Interview Procedure

This guide is intended for ST+ to help explain the procedure of hosting an interview session; as well as to explain a few rules that are associated with hosting interviews. Be sure to take a good read of the interviewing procedure to ensure you’re doing everything correctly when hosting. We strongly encourage you to read over this guide carefully and thoroughly.

General Rules:

• You are only allowed to send a few admins to the second server if your server will still have a sufficient amount of admins afterwards. It’s recommended that you get at least 8-9 admins before sending 4-5 admins to S2.

• You may not lock your server again before :00. If you need to create space, you are to enable PTS to clear room for admins. Locking early causes mass spam on the group page. The only exception is for the host to join the server.

• You are to have the appropriate number of admins at the session to be able to start a session (whether that’s a Host or Co-Host). The same rule as Training applies for Interviews; the Interviewer to Interviewee ratio must be 1:10 for smaller servers. For larger servers there must be at least four or above.

• If a shoutlock has been added, you will have to edit your shout to assure there is space. You will then have to keep it on every shout that is posted until you are told otherwise. You will be notified by the HR team if this ever occurs.


i. Before s-lock:

• The Host must arrive at :38/39, the interviewers must arrive between :40 and :50. This gives you and the admins enough time to get organized before lock. You may tag, @MR Team, if you’re in need of more admins during this time.

• During this time, you should also PM (private message command) admins the necessary roles. Make sure to remind the people assigned to each role, when they are needed. If they forget to do so it is then your responsibility to do it as host and then remind them not to forget. You may copy the PM below into the command bar. Keep in mind, you may save one of these for yourself.

PM admins ES//Rules//Main Promoter [MT+]//SS?

• At :50, post the group starting shout. You may use the shout below. Using the ‘unlock’ command, unlock your server and allow it to fill up.

[INTERVIEWS] Are now being hosted by (username)! Come down to the IC for a chance at working here. AR-NC only, slocking in 10 minutes!

• After you get your preferable amount of admins (8-9) , you are to let the host of S2 and their admins leave and go to S2. How to run tests has been updated: you are to run the new command “verify all” into your commands and all the tests will have been done. In case of the command not working for any reason, tests consist of: checking for customers under account age 30, safe-chat (name them 1/5), checking for ARs.

ii. After s-lock:

• Once it has reached the :00, you will lock the server (say ‘lock’), enable PTS, and run tests (host will ‘verify all’).

sm PTS is now in effect, talking without permission will get you kicked. PTS = Permission To Speak.

sm Tests will now be run to see if you’re able to get interviewed, PTS is still in effect. You will run the ‘verify all’ command here.

• Remind whoever was assigned SS to do it now.

S-lock shout: [INTERVIEWS] Are now s-locked. Sorry if you couldn’t make it, the next interview session is at (TIME) ET, good luck!

• You will then introduce the session and the admins accompanying you. Feel free to use the example below.

sm Hello and welcome to the (TIME) interview session! I’m (USER), your host, and I’m accompanied by (usernames).

• Introduce the person doing rules, and once rules are concluded, start your session!

sm (username) will now go over the rules. Please refrain from speaking at this time, and pay close attention. These rules are extremely essential and will assist you during your interview.

sm Thank you (username). Interviews may now begin! PTS is no longer in effect, you may speak freely.

iii. After the session:

• Make sure to take note of the usernames of the admins including shadows and who they’ve shadowed, note who arrived late, and the supervisors at your session. Refer to the the host schedule trello board for more help on filling out a host card.

• Finally, after everyone has finished interviewing, you will pm admins asking if "MT+ Promoted own?" after you have received an answer from all of them, you will add it to your card. Once you have all the info you need for your card and all LRs have left the server, you can dismiss the admins at the session.

• This is the time to remind the person with End Shout to check if S2 has finished, if so go ahead and shout. After you dismiss, make sure to label your card on trello.

Example End Shout: [INTERVIEWS] Have now concluded. Congratulations to the passers, sorry if you didn’t pass or didn’t make it. The next interview session is at (TIME) ET, good luck!


(The same rules apply, the ones listed here are for Co-Hosts only.)

• As Co-Host, your responsibility is to arrive at S1 around the same time as the host. You will wait until the host of S1 allows you to head to S2, remember that if the host does not send you to S2, you are to remain in S1, unless told otherwise.

• Keep in mind, that only Server 1 will be doing any group shouts, your responsibility is to find somebody to do Rules and be the Main Promoter.

• You will not need to label the session card on trello, but you are responsible for filling out a session card.

• Other than these few instances, everything that applies to S1 applies to the Co-Host as well.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to ask a CSO+!

Created on 8/31/17
Updated on 7/16/18

Approved by Frappé HRs.

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