Frappé - Staff Rewards Scheme

Frappé - Staff Rewards Scheme
As of June 2018, we have decided that y’all deserve a recompense for your amazing and profound efforts being a fully-fledged staff member at Frappé. That being said, I’m excited to present a new staff rewards scheme which can be obtainable by all our staff - MRs and HRs alike - it’s only fair that way!

How does it work?

At the end of each month, there’ll be a select two MRs and one HR who have been chosen to have been worthy of attaining this award depending on a variety of factors, to list a few generic ones: activity, hard-work, selflessness, application reviewing activity, their efforts etc; the list is limitless. We believe it’s only virtuous that these individuals are recognised for their dedication.

As well as a staff announcement praising the individuals, we’ll also grant monetary endorsements as Robux with generous rates (details below) and you’ll be granted the special VIP role in the Frappé discord for free to show off your achievement to the public as well! Well, after all, you deserve it!

Robux Rates
MR of the Month - 1,000 R$
MR Acknowledgement - 500 R$
HR of the Month - 1,000 R$
Final Disclaimer Note: the VIP role will remain for as long as you’re in the Frappé discord.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new staff rewards system, please let a CSO+ know - they’ll be happy to assist at any time.

Vice President

Updated: 5/28/18


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