Frappé - Alliance Application

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:coffee: Frappé - Alliance Application

:grin: Thank you for being interested in forming a partnership with Frappé! We love interacting with groups and seeing what two groups are capable of doing together. To have your group partnered with us, you must meet our requirements (see below, no exceptions) and send an application to one of our Chief Operating Officers+, or our Chief Relations Officer. Remember that we are looking to build healthy relationships with other groups as well as seeing us mutually benefit from an alliance.

:warning: NOTE: All of these requirements MUST be met to send us an application, we do not allow exceptions.

  • Group must have at least 200,000 members or exceptionally active MAU (Monthly active users). We will observe your group’s activity and analyze it holisticly before coming to a decision.
  • Group must have active members.
  • Group must be professional and well-rounded.
  • Group must be willing to shout and attend Frappé events.
  • Group must have active communication with our executives.
  • Group must have an active and professional communications server.
  • Group must not be selling any MR+ ranks.

:warning: NOTE: The best way to answer these questions is to use copy and paste them onto a Google Document and write the answer below.

[1] What is the name of the group you are requesting an alliance for?

[2] What would you provide for Frappé through this alliance?

[3] What are you looking to gain through being in an alliance with Frappé?

[4] How many members are currently in your group?

[5] Who are some of your group’s representatives that we could speak with?

[6] Does your group have developers with skills pertaining to graphics, building, scripting, etc.? If so, please provide the names of those developers and examples of their works that we could view.

[7] Please link your Roblox group and your communications server below.

:white_check_mark: Once again, thank you for being interested in forming an alliance with Frappé! Keep in mind that our relations team will review your application and we will inform you of our final decision within 72 hours maximum. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact our Chief Relations Officer or one of our Chief Operating Officers or above for further assistance.

:page_facing_up: Approved and Written by Frappé HRs.
:date: Last Updated January 21, 2023.