Frappé - Barista Expectations
This is a Barista-friendly guide to help you get used to your duties, and to support you over your time working at Frappé. If you need any extra assistance you can always open a ticket in our Discord server, and ask an admin.
As a barista at Frappé, you are expected to still follow all of our rules in-game that are set for everyone. If you don’t you could receive consequences, such as a demotion.
Grammar is not required at any time, or in any of our facilities. You are more than welcome to use it, if you would like to, but we don’t expect you to.
We would expect you to have some sort of guide to welcome your customer to the cafe. There are some examples below to help you, if you are struggling.
Yours doesn’t need to be identical, feel free to customise it to your preference.
- (Greeting) Hi! Welcome to Frappé, I’m (username). What would you like?
- (Outro) Thank you for coming! I hope you enjoy your order, have a nice day!
During your time serving at the cafe, you will have to deal with disruptive customers. If you see a troller, you should warn them once to stop, and if they continue their actions, say !support in the chat.
If someone is exploiting, bypassing, being discriminative and/or inappropriate, an admin should be called immediately.
In order to serve in the kitchen, you will need to claim a register. To claim a register, tap the “Start Shift” button shown on the register screen. To unclaim a register, you can either exit the kitchen, or click “End Shift”.
No registers free? You can either join a different server, or click the “Join queue” button on the entrance to the kitchen.
You can also serve NPCs at the cafe, during your shift. They will walk up to your register and order just like any regular customer. To serve them, say your greeting, and then they will state their order. You would then just go and make the items they requested. To hand them the order press “E”, or for mobile devices, click on the NPC.
Don’t want to serve NPCs? You can disable this feature by selecting so on the register screen.
Do you want to earn Robux whilst working? With our new tipping feature, you can now earn robux whilst serving customers and NPCs at the cafe. To set up your tips, you will need to have created a gamepass/t-shirt on your profile. Then once you are in game say /tipjar. It should then give you the option to add tip sections. You just need to input the ID from the gamepass/t-shirt you created, and then people will be able to send you tips.
Not everyone is going to tip you, so don’t beg people to tip, just keep working hard, and you will be awarded. NPC tip rates is 5% per NPC, or 10% for Roblox Premium members.
Looking to receive a promotion to Head Barista+? You cannot train for this rank, but if you are interested, feel free to read this guide for help. Frappé - Promotion Guide
We hope this guide helps you out and helps you feel more confident when working for us and interacting with customers! As always, if you have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this document, feel free to contact one of our Chief Staff Officers or above.
Approved and Written by Frappé HRs.
Last Updated August 19, 2023.