Free Datastore Editor plugin! [21K installs] [OPEN-SOURCE]

Yes that issue was fixed, it is smoother now, thank you!

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I double checked this one with my glasses on:

Dropdown does not hide descendants


DSEditor_OpenSource__bug_Tables_error.rbxl (202.2 KB)


  1. Publish the experience, and enable Data Store API Access.
  2. Play test with your character in Studio, then Stop.
  3. Open the plugin, and connect to a Data Store, then the Key.
    • Both the Name and Key will be in the output after stopping a play-test mode.
  4. Click the dropdown arrows for:
    1. (Key Name) to open.

    2. PlayerData to open.

    3. (Key Name) to hide.

      • It hides PlayerData, but not its descendants.

When I hide “Dev_(UserId)”, I expect it to hide all of its descendants.
No errors in output.



It seems like I fixed the issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Is there a way to list the keys in a given DataStore?

Thank you

Nope, that’s not possible. Roblox doesn’t let us do that.

What about ListKeysAsync method?

that already exists via globaldatastores. this function dosent exist in normal datastores.

What do you mean by “normal” datastores?
I am using the datastores with the following code:
local dataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(“SomeName”)

is this a “normal” datastore?
I can call ListKeysAsync on this datastore and loop through the “pages” objects

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I get the error 21:45:22.294 ChangeVal is not a valid member of Frame "oKeyMoney2" - Edit 21:45:22.294 Stack Begin - Studio 21:45:22.294 Script 'cloud_6013845672.DataEditor.MainScript', Line 483 - Studio 21:45:22.294 Stack End