Want to add a simple shine effect like this to your gui objects?
Copy this function into your code and you’re done!
local function shineLoop(guiObj, t)
local clrSrcProperty = t.clrSrcProperty
local shineWidthScale = t.shineWidthScale or 0.5
local shineColor = t.shineColor or guiObj[t.clrSrcProperty]
local shineBrightnessScale = t.shineBrightnessScale or 0.35
local shineDurationSec = t.shineDurationSec or 0.75
local shineIntervalSec = t.shineIntervalSec or 2
local shineRotationDeg = t.shineRotationDeg or 15
assert(guiObj and clrSrcProperty, "missing required argument to 'shineLoop()'")
if guiObj:FindFirstChild("UIGradient") then
warn(`there is a gradient inside of '{guiObj:GetFullName()}' that could interfere with 'shineLoop()'`) -- Warn if another gradient is going to interfere
guiObj[clrSrcProperty] = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) -- Make sure the gradient is the only source of color
local gradient = Instance.new("UIGradient", guiObj)
gradient.Color = ColorSequence.new({
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, shineColor),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(.5 - shineWidthScale/2, shineColor),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(.5, shineColor:Lerp(Color3.new(1, 1, 1), shineBrightnessScale)), -- Middle point of decreased saturation (shine)
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(.5 + shineWidthScale/2, shineColor),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, shineColor),
gradient.Rotation = shineRotationDeg
while guiObj.Parent do
gradient.Offset = Vector2.new(-1, 0)
local shineTween = TweenService:Create(gradient, TweenInfo.new(shineDurationSec), {
Offset = Vector2.new(1, 0)
Use it like this:
local textLabel = script.Parent
shineLoop(textLabel, {
clrSrcProperty = "TextColor3"
Or with more configuration:
local textLabel = script.Parent
shineLoop(textLabel, {
clrSrcProperty = "TextColor3",
shineWidthScale = 0.5, -- Default
shineColor = textLabel.TextColor3, -- Default
shineBrightnessScale = 0.35, -- Default
shineDurationSec = 0.75, -- Default
shineIntervalSec = 2, -- Default
shineRotationDeg = 15, -- Default